Welcome to the parish of Fifield with Idbury which is part of the Wychwood Benefice.
The Wychwood Benefice serves the parishes of Shipton under Wychwood, Milton under Wychwood and Fifield with Idbury.
St John’s Church, Fifield
There are indications that the church has been on this site since the Normans. Throughout its history it has served the people of the village not just by “hatching, matching and dispatching” but also as the focal point for Christian worship. The church continues its ministry of Sunday services, celebrating major life events of baptism, weddings and funerals as well as offering a space for quiet and reflection.
The church and churchyard are held in trust by the Parochial Church Council (PCC) on behalf of the village. The PCC is responsible for the maintenance of our historic building. Contrary to popular belief it receives no government or central Church funding which makes fundraising a major task. The PCC is grateful for the wonderful generosity of the village in helping with the upkeep of the building.
The church is there for everyone, of all faiths or none.
We hope you find the church:
- A place of hospitality where everyone is welcome
- A sacred place where people can worship and pray
- A sanctuary to find quiet in this busy world.
- Follow us on Facebook www.facebook.com/WychwoodBenefice/
Vicar: Rev Sarah Sharp: [email protected] (day off: Tuesdays)
Assistant clergy: Rev Anne Hartley ([email protected]) – Contactable Mon,Tuesday & Wed mornings Rev Karen Rizzello: [email protected] – Available Monday & Wednesday
Benefice Administrator: Clare Harper: (Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday mornings) Tel : 01993 832467 Email:office@wychwood benefice.org.uk For general information please visit our website: www.wychwoodbenefice.org.uk
For some time it was known that the floor of the SW area of the nave was damp, but the extent of the damage was only discovered when some of the woodblock flooring rotted and became a danger. The PCC was advised to replace the flooring with Cotswold stone tiles, once the area had dried out. This took quite a while but the work was eventually completed in early 2025.
Volunteers obtain sponsorship for visiting as many churches as then can on a date determined by OHCT. They may do this on foot, by car, horse-riding etc. Half the sum they raise goes to OHCT to support projects to improve/repair the churches in our diocese. The other half goes to the church nominated by the volunteers.
In 2024: Vanessa visited 6 churches – on foot (walking 13 miles) – and raised a total of £200 Elsewhere in the Benefice Liz and Heather raised £825. Info as at 19/10/2024