Fifield Family Fun Run, 15th Sept - Register now!


“The Friends” were established in 2008 to raise funds for church projects.  Since then we have made grants towards the conservation/restoration of the stained glass (£6,000) replacement of the drain (£5,000) and improvement to the churchyard (£5,000).  We have made a grant of £5500 towards the project for a replacement floor and have also funded a number of other small projects.   We do not fund recurrent expenditure such as the annual payment to the diocese (Parish Share), electricity, insurance or minor repairs.


“The Friends” normally arrange three fundraising events each year – a dinner in the Spring, a summer party and a pre-Christmas coffee morning in November. 


People become “Friends” because

*they see the church as theirs – even if they seldom (or never!) attend services

*they want to help preserve the church in their village because it is an historic building nearly 700 years old.

The annual subscription is £10 and is due in April. It can be paid by cash or cheque made out to The Friends of St John’s Fifield and handed to the Treasurer or, in her absence, the Chairman. If you would like to become a member, please contact a Committee Member or post a message on the Village WhatsApp

The Friends” are managed by a Committee. The Vicar is President ex officio. This position was vacant until the new vicar, Rev Sarah Sharp, arrived in September 2024. At the 2024 AGM the following were elected or co-opted to the Committee for 2024/25:-

Chairman: John Yaxley

Secretary: Sally Austin

Hon Treasurer: Liz Morris

Ordinary Members: Amy Schlee, Karin Taylor, Rosie White

PCC Representative: Rosemary Alexander

Upcoming events

Annual General Meeting Wednesday 26th March 2025 1730 in the Parish Hall

Past Events

BURNS NIGHT SUPPER Saturday 16th January 2025
LUCKY DIP – SATURDAY 7th DECEMBER 2024 – Lucky Dip with Coffee and Cake

I am pleased to report that the coffee morning raised £193 for the Friends. We have also recently received an anonymous donation of £200. This means that our autumn fundraising season has reached the very respectable sum of £1014. Thank you once again to all who worked so hard on the day and thank you to all those who dropped in to share the fun.


A huge “thank you” to all who joined us – both from within the village and elsewhere. We raised £621 and still have many generous gifts which will allow us to have another fundraising morning in December. And congratulations and thanks to the team who worked so hard to make the event so successful not only in financial terms but as a village social event – an opportunity for us all to catch up with each other and share each other’s news. The Hall hummed with chatter!

As in previous years, the Tombola was a particular attraction and there were some wonderful items, thanks to the generosity of so many people. John Yaxley

The Tombola – just a corner!


Committee Members scanned the weather forecast hourly! Will it, won’t it stay fine? What do we do it if rains? The answer to that was “Dive for cover or go get an umbrella” – but the showers, though sharp, were pretty short and did nothing to dampen the spirits of those attending. The “barbie” went ahead (the food was delicious) and our toes were kept tapping to the music provided by the three-man band “Broken Mic”. Many thanks to all who gave the event their support, in whatever way, and helped to make the event a resounding success.

The barbecue’s nearly ready

‘Broken Mic’ provided some jolly music and kept us entertained (right)

On the gate