The Green Fifield Community Action Group AGM was held on Thursday 30th March 2023 in the Fifield Parish Hall. Followed by a fascinating talk from Prof. Lucy Bearman-Brown on the plight of the UK Hedgehog. For a copy of the minutes and any other information, contact Green Fifield Secretary at [email protected].

Below a copy of the Chairman’s report of the year.

Report on the Year 22/23

  • A fantastic year for Green Fifield – so much progress made, many lessons learnt and new friends and followers engaged in the vital climate cause.
  • Highlights were:
    • The confirmation of our constitution and registering as an official community action group in OxfordshireFormation of our committee and appointment of our officersRecording of so many wildflower species in the village, more than 20 on our small greens alone, giving great hope for future expansion of our wildflower footprint in the villageThree fascinating talks.  From Hannah Bourne Taylor, Ian Wilkinson & Prof. Lucy Bearman-BrownOur second “Great Rake” event, with 13 volunteers ably removing the grass and leaves from the verges, further promoting the abundance of wildflowers we will see there this year.6 water quality tests in collaboration with the Evenlode Catchment Partnership and Waterwatch, completed between October and March.Our Library of Things, now hosted on the Fifield Village website
    • And the pinnacle of the year, our Queens Green Canopy tree planting and garden tree giveaway, supported by the Parish Meeting and the International Tree foundation, and attended by many.

I would like to extend enormous thanks to our officers and our committee members for all their hard work, ideas and sage guidance through the year.

We have had many supporters in the village and beyond this year and I am thankful to all of them.  Special mention goes to the Parish Meeting for supporting & funding our tree planting and giveaway events, to the Recreation Ground Committee, for making the tree planting such a success and to other village volunteers who have contributed a lot of time, energy and cake to our events through the year.

Looking forward into 2023, I am excited to continue to work with the committee on our key priorities:

  • Ensuring the success of the trees planted this year through watering and other care
  • Continuing to promote and enhance the wildflowers in the village
  • More great talks
  • Our Library of things and growing that on the website
  • A focus on food sustainability
  • Working with the Parish Meeting on household energy saving initiatives

Enormous thanks again to everyone, and look forward to another bigger and better year ahead for Green Fifield.

Thank you

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